Help Richard Feinman & Eugene Fine move forward on keto for cancer.
Our lab is one of several addressing the role of low-carbohydrate / ketogenic diets in the treatment or prevention of cancer. We follow three major lines of attack: In vitro tissue culture studies (cells grown in medium), animal studies and clinical studies.
We have made advances along each line of attack although, like the whole field we are at the beginning; Your tax-deductible contribution will help us continue this work.
You can also support us through your Ebay purchases and sales by following the instructions below.
First, go to our eBay profile by visiting this link or by clicking on the eBay logo above. There, you will see a searchable list of items, the purchase of which directly benefit the Nutrition & Metabolism Society’s cancer research. Click or tap the heart labeled "Add to My Favorites" to add the Nutrition & Metabolism Society to your list of favorite charities, which will give you the choice to make a tax-deductible donation to us every time you buy or sell on eBay, and will make it much easier to find the items that benefit us as new items are listed.
If you yourself have an eBay storefront, you can also sign up to “sell for a cause” and choose the Nutrition & Metabolism Society as your charity of choice. You can then choose a percentage of your proceeds for each listing that will go directly to the Nutrition & Metabolism Society to support our research. You will receive a tax-deductible donation receipt once a month that you can submit with your taxes.
We really appreciate your support!